Vertical Adventures

Going up instead of forward on flat water

Today we went hiking to Beverin Pintg, leaving the car at 1812m and hiking up to this secondary peak at 2591m. The main attraction of the area, Piz Beverin at 2998m, is still covered in snow. It was hiding in the clouds all day.

Driving up the windy roads. My dad would’ve loved it!
Fields of flowers
The snow-covered Piz Beverin in the distance, playing hide and seek in the clouds.
Marmots everywhere!
Piz Beverin in the clouds
Preparing the after-lunch coffee. My Hoka One One Torrents did really well.
The snow-covered range to the south
Cute little hut just below the Beverin Pintg
At the top. Photo courtesy of Andris
A faint outline of Piz Beverin
My socks fell off
My feet got wet…brrr was the water ever cold!
Such a lovely area.
A look back up this wonderful valley
Looking forward to the next vertical adventure!

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